Foxtrot Whitfield

AffiliationThe Wolverines
Wolverine Union
Alpha Strike Team
Marshall of the Armies
Foxtrot Whitfield, before the strikes against the Inner Sphere

Foxtrot Whitfield was decanted as a Trueborn warrior to the Wolverines, which would generally have put him at the bottom of the line in terms of promotions. This only made him more dedicated to climbing and clawing his way to the top of the Wolverines. Foxtrot has won the last two 10-year terms as Khan by skillfully playing politics and showing his talents as a military leader. During his second term, he was also named Marshall of the Armies by Carolyne Amaris, preparing the Union forces to strike against the Inner Sphere and the Homeworld Clans.

Youth and early career

As a Trueborn Warrior, Foxtrot was above most vatgrowns, but he always felt behind the Bloodborns who were given more privileges than him. At the military creche, he quickly learned how to manipulate others for his own needs. His combat skills were also superior to most other cadets, generally placing 1 or 2 years ahead of his group. By the age of 14, he was already viewed as a superior MechWarrior, which would roughly mean the equivalent of a rookie Inner Sphere warrior.

Graduating from the military program earlier than he should, Foxtrot Whitfield spent 2 years interning at the largest telecom and media company in the Union to learn more about propaganda and media influence. Combining this new experience with his military skills, he rejoined the Wolverines military with a lieutenant commission. 2 years later, he was already a Captain. While most officers enjoyed a simple but rich life, Foxtrot Whitfield began drilling his troops more than any other force. This was to bring them to an operational standard comparable to what he was seeing in Inner Sphere.

Through hard work and dedication, Foxtrot made Major before anyone could expect, where he began petitioning other commanders to follow his example in increasing the readiness of their troops. This put him on the general political landscape of the Wolverines, with a lot of lower-level warriors idealizing him. His first political appointment was as Director, putting him in striking distance of the title of Khan.


In 3138, Foxtrot Whitfield campaigned and won the Khanship of the Wolverines with an overwhelming majority. Now a Colonel, his military drills were now standard affairs throughout the Wolverines, bringing their unified military close to parity to most of the Exiled Clans forces. Such a skilled politician and commander attracted the attention of a still young Carolyne Amaris, who invited him to Promise. There, she offered him a position as the combined military leader of the Wolverine Union in exchange for his support as Empress-in-Exile.

Now with more power than he even imagined, Foxtrot Whitfield signed off on multiple military programs by the Word of Blake and The Society, leading to multiple new ‘mech designs for their new bioroid forces. While most of the Union militaries remained “independent” from one another, cross-nation training and partnerships were now standardized. The Wolverines main military force also started integrating with the Republic’s main forces to guarantee that the Union “central powers” would never be outvoted or threatened by the other minor powers.

Early strikes

As The Wall fell around Terra, the Union started mobilizing to strike. While revenge and hatred was at the core of the propaganda created by Foxtrot Whitfield and Carolyne Amaris, the need for new sources of food for the Union was more critical. Using the proxy powers of the Union, mainly the Exiled Clans and the Word of Blake, Foxtrot Whitfield began establishing logistical points surrounding the Inner Sphere and near periphery powers to facilitate strikes.

In 3154, early orders led to attacks by the Word of Blake against the Rimward Alliance, while Clan Burrock and Ice Hellion would hit the Escorpion Imperio. In Inner Sphere space, Clan Steel Viper was tasked with probing at the Marian Hegemony. At the other edge of space, Clan Blood Spirit and Fire Mandrill would hit the Raven Alliance. While most of those strikes were unsuccessful and only led to marginal victories at best, the experience the Wolverine Union got from them was invaluable for future operations.

Foxtrot Whitfield’s BattleMech

Foxtrot Whitfield pilots a highly customized King Crab.