Pamela Tutuola

Also known asPamela Wolf
AffiliationClan Wolf
Lambda Galaxy
RankGalaxy Commander
Pamela Tutuola, at the Gathering of Gienah

Pamela Tutuola is the Galaxy Commander of Lambda Galaxy, and direct commander of Brown Keshik. A trueborn warrior getting on in age, Pamela Tutuola won her bloodname in the mid-3140s, before becoming commander of the Garrison Galaxy mainly composed of Lyran disgruntled elements. Face with a large group of freebirth warriors with little to lose or gain, Pamela has tried keeping morale of her unit high while facing raids by Lyran and mercenary assets. As Alaric Ward called the Clan Wolf Touman to accompany him to Earth, Pamela Tutuola took the most effective, best drilled and least problematic elements of her unit with her, filling up gaps with other recently raised warriors.

Battle of Terra

Pamela Tutuola’s largest action during the fight around the historical city of Athens, where she lost a significant number of troops to Republic of the Sphere ambushes. Having let herself be drawn out due to provocation, she asked for forgiveness from Chance Vickers (internal). Teaming up with Dominic Shaw (internal)’s Sigma Galaxy, Galaxy Commander Tutuola struck against the Republic of the Sphere again, winning the day.

During the ilClan trial, Pamela Tutuola’s Brown Keshik was put on the front line like most Keshik units, with her troops being decimated by Clan Jade Falcon’s forces, but she survived and claimed victory with minor injuries. Claiming her BloodRibbon, Pamela started rebuilding Lambda Galaxy from local worlds around Terra and former Republican officers.

War for the Wolf Empire

Pamela Tutuola was unsure what she should do with reports from the forces she had left in the Wolf Empire. With the loss of multiple worlds that were technically “under Lambda Galaxy protection”, Pamela Tutuola was forced to redeploy her forces before they were good and ready. Reinforcing Star Colonel Othar’s forces, Tutuola was basically subservient to a lower officer due to her failures.

Gathering at Gienah

During the Gathering at Gienah, Pamela Tutuola was the head of Bloodhouse Tutuola, presiding over 3 Trials of Bloodright. After Bradford Vickers (internal) lost his position at the head of Mu Galaxy, Pamela was scared another hungry Star Colonel would call for her head, but no challenge to her position came. Looking at her options, Pamela Tutuola started to restructure her galaxy to a stronger “garrison unit”.

Star League – Capellan War

From the start of the Star League – Capellan War, Lambda Galaxy was moved to the border territory between Capellan space and the Wolf Empire. Against strong attacks by the CCAF, Lambda still buckled on Talitha, Van Diemen and Wasat, but held strong on Devil’s Rock and Castor. Again, fearing for her position, Pamela Tutuola formulated a plan to retake the lost worlds. Against the odds, she managed to reclaim the worlds as the CCAF was focusing most of their attention on Sirius.

Pamela Tutuola’s BattleMech

Before the Battle of Terra, Pamela Tutuola piloted a Warhammer C. For the Battle of Terra and after, Pamela Tutuola pilots a Sojourner.