Roy Adams

AffiliationLyran Commonwealth Lyran Regulars
Roy Adams, before his retirement

Roy Adams was the commanding officer of the 5th Lyran Regulars during the events of the Battle of Terra and its aftermath. An older gentleman, General Adams was known for his courage under fire and skills as a commander, but his age caught up to him while commanding his troops against the Wolf Empire. After fighting the Jade Falcons on Loxley, Adams restructured and reequipped the 5th Regulars by grabbing as many dispossessed and displaced Lyrans from Clan worlds as he could. He focalized his “hatred” of the Clans into having an orderly task force which would specialize in fighting Clans “on their own terms”.

Invasion of the Wolf Empire

While Trillian Steiner (internal) and Roderick Steiner (internal) were not fully committed to the strikes against the Wolf Empire, Roy Adams received the order to invade Chukchi. The old man was overjoyed by this, bringing the full strength of his rebuilt force on the remnants of the 41st Wolf Guard, which had been gutted for the invasion of Terra. After a quick victory, the local population happy to rejoin the Commonwealth.

Leaving a battalion to hold the world, General Adams moved towards Aristotle, where he faced restructured elements of the Brown Keshik and 8th Wolf Garrison. With assistance from Star Colonel Othar’s leadership from Gienah, the defenders of Aristotle managed to keep the 5th Lyran Regulars busy enough that it prevented them from reinforcing other worlds which were under attack by Lyran forces. Roy Adams suffered a heart attack while on Aristotle and he was recalled, leaving his aide Gunthric Pel-Ingen to take command in his absence. While the capture of Aristotle did occur, Roy Adams was forced to retire afterwards due to health issues.

Roy Adams’s Battlemech

Roy Adams piloted a Zeus.