Fred Buhallin

Also known asFred Jade Falcon
AffiliationClan Jade Falcon
Epsilon Galaxy
Mongol Warriors
RankGalaxy Commander
Fred Buhallin, circa 3153

Fred Buhallin is Clan Jade Falcon’s Epsilon Galaxy commander, and a devotee of Malvina Hazen’s Mongol Doctrine. After the Falcons defeat at the Battle of Terra, Fred Buhallin wanted to challenge Stephanie Chistu (internal) for leadership of the Falcons. He missed his opportunity as the Khan left to reclaim their lost territories in their Occupation Zone. The ilKhan ordered his unit to be drilled and act as trainers for new warriors on Terra. At that time, he formed a shadow organization called Mongol Warriors, trying to restore Malvina’s doctrine for the Falcons.

Fighting in Tamar

While Khan Chistu was reclaiming Alyina and Sudeten for the Falcons, open rebellion and unrest in the Occupation Zone was still a massive issue. SaKhan Khalus Pryde (internal) planned a defense of the region, but Fred Buhallin took the opportunity to take the remnants of his Epsilon Galaxy and other Mongol Warriors to Dustball. There he decapitated the Malthus Confederation quickly.

His following actions puzzled some of the Mongol Warriors, who were looking for decisive battles. Fred Buhallin contacted the now Jade Falcon controlled Alyina and began rebuilding his galaxy, along with his ally’s units. Reformed trinaries were deployed to other worlds in the Tamar region to start cutting down on the unrest. A bit softer in his approach than Malvina Hazen had been, the local Lyran population appreciated Buhallin more than he expected.

Getting new orders from Khan Stephanie Chistu, the Mongol Warriors were to stay on standby against strikes by the Lyran Commonwealth and Clan Hell’s Horses. They were also to perform probing action against them “to keep the warriors busy”. The respect Stephanie Chistu showed her “rival” made Fred Buhallin appreciate her more.

Star League – Capellan War

While the Jade Falcon territory still needed to be defended, the Mongol Warriors, rallying under Fred Buhallin, wanted action. During the time Khan Gottfried Amirault (internal) challenged the ilKhan, Buhallin’s warriors performed a number of raids against key Horses infrastructure. Even with no territorial gains were made, the Falcons acquired QuadVee and VTOLAM technology from these.

As the ilClan’s attention turned towards the Capellan Confederation, Provisional and Garrison Galaxies of the Falcons, more loyal to Stephanie Chistu, had started taking up the role of unrest control and protection of the realm. Fred Buhallin was freed up for more action against the Capellan, bringing his troops on various worlds before getting bogged down on Sirius. There, Epsilon Galaxy performed admirably in support of Clan Wolf, Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Sea Fox.

Fred Buhallin’s Battlemech

Since the Battle of Terra, Fred Buhallin has been piloting a Jade Phoenix.