Stephanie Chistu

Also known asFred Jade Falcon
AffiliationClan Jade Falcon
Delta Galaxy
RankGalaxy Commander
Stephanie Chistu, by RealMechIsLove

The young Khan of Clan Jade Falcon was forced from the moment she took the position to fight for it. Immediately as she was named, she had to beat an Elemental who supported the Mongol Doctrine in hand-to-hand combat. Recovering from her injuries, Stephanie Chistu then had to go quash rebellions in her Occupation Zone, all the while the Mongol Warriors were organizing under Fred Buhallin (internal). Her only real companion for most of this period was Tara Campbell (Jade Falcon) (internal), who served as her aide-de-camp.

The Rebel Falcons

The Alyina Mercantile League

The first real test of leadership for Stephanie Chistu was the existence of the Alyina Mercantile League and the renegade “Khan” Jiyi Chistu (internal). Approached by Anton Paradis of the Pinkertons, Delta Galaxy was provided transportation to Sudeten at first. Meeting with Jiyi Chistu’s renegades, the real Khan was rebuffed and sent on her way, as the warriors on Sudeten did not recognize her as the Khan. In a Trial of Grievance after being insulted (“pet falcon of a Wolf”), Stephanie Chistu did show her resolved by decapitating another ‘mech with a single gauss rifle shot.

Following the Pinkertons to Alyina, Stephanie Chistu readied her troops to fight against the mercenaries under High Syndic Marena (Internal), but Tara Campbell informed her that the Pinkerton “general on paper only, I swear” wanted to talk to her. After perusing the insurance papers and legal terms, the Khan had her forces stand down for the moment as the Pinkerton and a few other corporate security units struck out against the renegades. After devastating losses, Marena agreed to negotiate with the Khan. As Marena comes in on the Allan Pinkerton’s meeting room, Stephanie Chistu executes her with a point-blank shot from a laspistol. Major Jack Dresden of the Pinkerton’s Dresden Enforcers personally hands over the deeds to all VaultShips and facilities stolen by Marena, with guarantees that their contracts were still in good order.

Defeating a False Khan

With a fully equipped and now overmanned Galaxy having absorbed some of Marena’s forces into her own, Stephanie Chistu returned to Sudeten. There, she challenge Jiyi Chistu to a Trial of Refusal to establish herself as the true leader of the Falcons. Jiyi was confident in his troops and their readiness but didn’t expect the “real” Khan to bring in almost double the number of troops. Trying to use holographic projectors and other underhanded tricks, Jiyi Chistu was beaten mainly by the command level officers of Stephanie’s forces who were used to these types of strategies from their fight on Terra.

Disgraced, Jiyi Chistu was ready to be executed, but Stephanie Chistu simply demoted him to Star Captain and assigned him to one of her own Trinary. While this was mainly to keep an eye on him, Stephanie also saw that Jiyi was a competent officer and politician which did deserve another chance.

Fight for the Wolf Empire

Stephanie Chistu did not have time to sit on her laurels, as the Wolf Empire called for aid, with the Lyrans and Leaguers attacking them while the Wolf’s Dragoons were leading a vendetta against them. Contracting Maersk directly to allow transport to the Wolf Empire, Stephanie Chistu brings her troops to defend a few worlds before concentrating on the hunt for the Wolf’s Dragoons.

At the Gathering on Gienah, Stephanie Chistu did manage to have push through a small number of Trials of Bloodright and Position in her own unit. While not a Wolf officer, she still served as witness on a multitude of Wolf trials, however, as a neutral third-party.

Following the discovery of the Wolf’s Dragoons headquarters on Ilion, Stephanie Chistu brought the strength of her warship to bear in the orbital bombardment which destroys the storied mercenary outfit turned pirates, after the ultimatum sent by Ichaerus Ward.

Mongol Warriors redirected

Stephanie Chistu understood that she would not be able to stomp out the entire Mongol Doctrine from her clan. Rather than have to perform purges of commanders and having to retrain entire units, Loremaster Marv Roshak (internal) brought the idea to direct those warriors into operations and missions that would soothe their bloodlust, while keeping them serving the Clan. As the Hell’s Horses challenged the ilKhan to a Trial of Possession for Terra, Stephanie directed the Mongol Warriors to steal and capture technology and weapons from them.

As the Capellan – Star League War heated up, Stephanie directed her Mongol Warriors to the front, fighting against mercenary outfits and other “hard target”. There, the more aggressive warriors found their pleasure and showed their superiority. The more progressive Jade Falcons, on their side, worked tirelessly to cement their control of their Occupation Zone. Stephanie’s corporate contacts allowed the corporations to establish various “enclaves” on Falcon worlds where civilians would be ruled by corporate rule instead of Falcon rule, all the while the corporations would support the Falcon government.

Stephanie Chistu’s Battlemech

Stephanie Chistu started piloting a Night Gyr after the Battle of Terra.