Siobhan Sortek
AffiliationHouse Sortek
Federated Suns
ParentsConner Sortek (father)
SiblingsJustin Sortek
Children3 young adult children
Siobhan Sortek, circa 3153

The grand daughter of legendary Ardan Sortek, Siobhan Sortek has been trying to get out of the shadow of her ancestors and be her own person. While she served admirably in the AFFS, her current position is being an executive officer on the personal cadre of Julian Davion (internal). Having been one of the “thorns in the side” of Caleb Davion in the past, Siobhan Sortek’s progression in the AFFS had all but stopped until this new position.

Fall of the Republic

Siobhan Sortek was ambiguous about the Battle of Terra, as some members of her extended family still served with the Republic of the Sphere. After the defeat of the Republican defenders, Colonel Sortek was instrumental in striking new deals with various freed up mercenary outfits, including the Northwind Highlanders and Hansen’s Roughriders. Those new contracts involved heavy military subsidies to the units, allowing them to recruit from various academies in the Federated Suns along with providing rights of first salvage to all units deployed on any fronts. Those concessions were seen as necessary to bolster the weakened force of the AFFS and provide additional training opportunities for the beleaguered regiments.

Siobhan Sortek also approached Max Ergen (internal) in an attempt to recruit his First Army Group to the cause of Julian Davion, but the Republican officer preferred to go and serve the New Star League. During these discussions, Colonel Sortek met with Loremaster Aberdeen Mehta (internal) who did give some guarantees in regards to the Wolves action toward the Combine and the Federated Suns, roughly put “do not mess with us, we will not mess with you”.

Davion Reconquista

Siobhan Sortek was worried she would not serve much on the front lines as an “executive officer”, but that was discounting Julian Davion’s desire to get in the thick of things. Commanding the second battalion of the First Davion Guard under the First Prince, Colonel Sortek was an integral part of the Davion Reconquista, including running messages between her commanding officer and Erik Sandoval (internal), allowing for the organization of the Combine front. One of the way this was done was by getting close to the new Lloyd’s of New London communication cartel, who was given permission to assist the Federated Suns by their head office.

Problems in the faith

The main concern Siobhan had was Leonard Goodnight (internal), the current pope of New Avalaon. Fanatics under Leo XXI and the Knight Defenders had started a holy crusade against “faithless heathen”, which was growing after the liberation of New Avalon. These irregulars were causing collateral damage on already “pacified” worlds and on worlds which were “leaning towards the prince”, which forced action by the Federated Crown. While Siobhan Sortek did not want to fight the New Avalon Catholics, her troops were forced to forcefully detain a few groups of zealots on border worlds.

Even with the signing of the peace treaty with the Draconis Combine, the Crusaders of New Avalon and the Knight Defenders are not willing to stand down, forcing further action by the AFFS and a dejected Siobhan Sortek.


Siobhan Sortek pilots a highly customized Victor.