Also known asIchiryuu Taiseki (一流 体積)
AffiliationDraconis Combine First Sword of Light
Taiseki Ichiriu, Civilian clothes, circa 3154

General (Tai-Sho) Theodore Ichiriu was a rising star in the DCMS, but his “decision” to guard the Rasalhague Dominion border left many speechless. While many other “front-line” units were fighting for fame and glory on the Federated Suns front, Theodore Ichiriu built political capital and resources. His true desire at the time was to replace Matsuhari Toranaga (internal) as right hand of the Coordinator.

Early New Star League age

Theodore Ichiriu was not certain of what would happen with Clan Ghost Bear after the Battle of Terra. His first reaction was to get in contact with the other Sword of Light regiments and ask for mobilization along their border. This action likely saved the Combine from “unprovoked” aggression by some Ghost Bear elements who were trying to prove their worth after the conquest of Terra.

While Yori Kurita and Matsuhari Toranaga were “playing war” with Julian Davion (internal), Ichiriu Taiseki (his actual name) made sure the rest of the DCMS was in order. His biggest concern was the Arkab Legions and their commander, Abdullah Sharif (internal) not wanting to provide troops for said invasion of the Federated Suns. The two men met on Dieron in 3152 and had “no kind words for each other.”

The Great Movement War

As the Capellan – Star League War erupted, Yori Kurita’s plans had changed from invading the Federated Suns to striking out against the Rasalhague Dominion. Believing the Federated Suns broken, Yori Kurita ordered most Sword of Light and Arkab Legion regiments to be at the ready to assault several key worlds in the Dominion. Still not convinced of Abdullah Sharif’s loyalty, Theodore Ichiriu withheld some new ‘mechs and weapons meant for the Arkab Legion. This allowed him to reinforce the Seishiro Itagaki’s (internal) 2nd Sword of Light to maximum efficiency ahead of schedule.

As he was ready to deploy his troops on Mualang, Theodore Ichiriu and his forces received an emergency dispatch. He was ordered to redirect their forces towards the Raven Alliance border, as multiple worlds had come under assault. Unable to keep an eye on the Arkab Legion anymore, Tai-Sho Ichiriu quickly formed a JumpShip bridge to the other end of Combine space. Pushing back against the Raven forces, Theodore also learned of Matsuhari Toranaga’s failures in Federated Space.

Unfortunately, high command ordered him to redeploy his men again to the Dominion border, forcing another massive transport operation across space. Reaching the area, Ichiriu learned of the Arkab Legion’s less then stellar performance on that front. Wanting to punish the Arkab Legion for their dishonor, the 1st Sword of Light engaged the Omar Bin Mohammed’s (internal) 6th Arkab. While the battle was short and victory was swift, this further angered the Azami Brotherhood.

To make sure Theodore Ichiriu would not cause more issues with the Azami, Yori Kurita redeployed him (again) to the Federated Suns front, along with multiple other units. The youngish General felt quite slighted when the peace treaty between the various parties in this war was signed. His hatred for the Azami and the Arkab Legion only grew over time.


Theodore Ichiriu is known to pilot a Naginata.