虎永 松針 (Toranaga Matsuhari)
AffiliationDraconis Combine
House Kurita
ParentsSaburo Toranaga (adoptive)
Matsuhari Toranaga, circa 3154

Matsuhari Toranaga is the Gunji-no-Kanrei of the Draconis Combine and engineer of the capture of New Avalon. His position felt quite secure as the “main sponsor” of the current Coordinator, Yori Kurita (internal), as well as a war hero due to his actions in the creation of the Dragon’s Tongue. Even while harangued by the AFFS, Matsuhari Toranaga’s troops on occupied worlds were well equipped and highly motivated. In agreement with the Coordinator, Gunji No Kanrei Toranaga began positioning troops on the Rasalhague Dominion border to perform another glorious strike in the name of the Combine.

Like a house of cards

While the original plan was good, especially with the intelligence given to him regarding the AFFS positions and capabilities, things quickly took a turn for the worse. With Julian Davion (internal) and Erik Sandoval (internal) breathing down his neck, Matsuhari Toranaga requested reinforcements from the DCMS high command. Unfortunately for him, the Raven Alliance had taken this opportunity to strike border worlds to alleviate the pressure on their Ghost Bear allies. Repositioning units as quickly as he could and reinforcing his position on New Avalon, Matsuhari realized that the estimates he had been given about the strength of the AFFS had been grossly underestimated.

The main strike force of the Federated Suns came to New Avalon like a sack of brick, forcing the 2 warships Matsuhari Toranaga had kept in reserve to flee. Even with no fear of orbital bombardment, the AFFS dropped 12 full regiments on New Avalon to face off against Toranaga’s 3, all the while the planet was consumed by riots. After a quick losing fight, Matsuhari negotiated his remaining forces and his own escape to the planet of Plymouth, using hostages to this end. While this angered Julian Davion, Toranaga was able to flee.

With no pressure on the Liao or Taurian front, the entire strength of the AFFS was on Matsuhari Toranaga’s Dragon Tongue. With limited opportunities for resupply as the Combine was also fighting a war on two fronts against 2 Clans, it was only a matter of time until Toranaga was dislodged from his winnings.

Battles during the Reconquista

Matsuhari Toranaga regrouped as much of his forces as possible, with reinforcement from the main Combine forces not reaching him. With the Raven Alliance striking around the New Samarkand District and Clan Ghost Bear doing quick expeditionary strikes on their own neighboring world, Toranaga had to make do with what he had. Sending requests for support to the Arkab Legion, Toranaga learned of the Azami religion reawakening, which somewhat reflected the Davion’s own Christian crusade he was facing on his own front.

From his new headquarters on Plymouth, Mitsuhari Toranaga attempted to rebuild what he could from the damaged Tongue. Erik Sandoval and replied by landing 4 regiments on Plymouth, all of them elite AFFS regiments. After a difficult fight, Gunji No Kanrei Toranaga retreated again, all the worlds originally in the Dragon’s Tongue having fallen to the Julian Davion’s Reconquista forces.

Like a fallen leaf

Matsuhari Toranaga attempted to meet with Yori Kurita as she was travelling to Terra to meet with the Clan Council but could not catch up with her. Using the resources available to him and the Combine, he solidified the Combine front against the AFFS while also trying to stop the constant transfer of units between the Dominion and Alliance front.

Yori and Matsuhari finally meet on the old seat of Combine power on New Samarkand, which had been spared from Raven Alliance attacks due to a deal between Del Monte and Clan Snow Raven. Matsuhari, reluctantly, asked for the permission to commit seppuku from the Coordinator, but Yori flat out refused. Matsuhari was returned to the front line to command the Combine forces and make sure the leadership knew they were still “in charge”.

Azami Rebellion

Matsuhari Toranaga was informed of the breakaway Azami state within the Combine while leading forces against some of Leo XXI (internal) holy knights on Lucerne. The Gunji No Kanrei was called the leader of the infidels who damaged the Church by the crusaders and had been tracked by their forces since his retreat from Plymouth. While he survived the strike, the secession of the Buckminster Prefecture, Al Na’Ir Prefecture and Algedi Prefecture forced him away from the Federated front.

Trying to fight Azami rebels, Matsuhari Toranaga was also faced with various Clan Ghost Bear units, with Theta Galaxy being at the core of it. The Gunji No Kanrei was bogged down by the 2nd Arkab Legion on Nashira until the signing of the Armistice which also guaranteed the existence of the Azami Brotherhood.

Fall from grace

While Yori Kurita still has quite a bit of love for Matsuhari Toranaga. Unfortunately for the two of them, his failures as Gunji No Kanrei as of late has led to all other warlords to disavow him. Requests for him to step down are climbing, and rumors of a Von Rohrs “descendant” having been found, to lead a PROPER Combine is growing.


Matsuhari Toranaga pilots a red and black Atlas.