Abdullah Hussain Al-Sharif

Also known asSand Viper
AffiliationDraconis Combine
First Arkab Legion
Azami Brotherhood
Abdullah Sharif, Azami Brotherhood

Abdullah Sharif is the commanding officer of the 1st Arkab Legion has had a bad reputation within the DCMS. His refusal to reinforce the Federated Suns front while waiting for supplies and reinforcements on the Rasalhague Dominion front is the main cause of this. His “demotion” from Tai-Sho of the entire Arkab Legion to Tai-Sa of the 1st Arkab only after refusing Matsuhari Toranaga’s (internal) orders was well publicized, but this did not change the resolve of the Arkab legion in general. The entire division remained stationed in traditional Azami space near the Rasalhague border, making demands to DCMS high command.

Olive Branch

As Yori Kurita (internal) and her right-hand man started making plans for strikes against the Rasalhague Dominion, she did send Abdullah Sharif some of his necessary supplies along with clear orders as to what she expected of the Arkab Legion in the months to come. Colonel Abdullah Sharif contacted the other heads of the Arkab Legion units and rallied most of them to his cause, with the notable exception of Omar Bin Mohammed (internal).

The 1st Arkab took the lead in the attacks against the Rasalhague Dominion, landing on Moore and fighting local defender tooth and nail. From there, using communication provided by local corporations, he reached out to the other Arkab units to plan further strikes into Ghost Bear territory. Unfortunately, orders from above came as the Raven Alliance began strikes against the Combine. Abdullah Sharif sent a telegram to Yori Kurita through Lloyd’s Of New London, asking for confirmation that his Arkab legions would be the only ones really staying on the Dominion border, which was confirmed.

The Bear and the Azami

With a limited force against both local resistance and part of the Ghost Bear touman, Abdullah Sharif fought tooth and nail to keep what he had captured but was gradually being pushed back. Khan Dalia Becker (internal) reached out the Tai-Sa Sharif to discuss the Azami Brotherhood position. Omar Bin Mohammed’s “peaceful resistance” to both the Ghost Bear and Combine confused the Bear Khan, and she wanted more explanations.

Abdullah Sharif saw a way out of his predicament at that point and reached out to the Brotherhood’s ayatollah, Khalid Shah. The colonel set up a meeting between his religious leader and the Ghost Bear Khan on Al Na’ir. Remembering still the massacre done by Mitsura Sakamoto, Ayatollah Khalid Shah openly accepted the peace entreaties by the Rasalhague Dominion but refused to join the Ghost Bears at Abdullah Sharif’s request.

Further negotiations between the Azami and the Bears were done from that point onwards, while Abdullah Sharif’s 1st Arkab legion performed the bare minimum tasks required of them by the DCMS, further angering various other military leaders, including Theodore Ichiriu (internal) of the 1st Sword of Light.

With the death of Omar Bin Mohammed, the Azami Brotherhood rose up and declared independence from the DCMS, with Abdullah Sharif being named as military commander-in-chief of the new organization. The Arkab legions fought against the DCMS and other loyalists on Azami worlds, but as the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine signed an armistice on Arc-Royal, the Brotherhood territory was now officialized.

Leader of the Armies

With the formation of the Azami Brotherhood, Abdullah Sharif officially became the Commander-In-Chief of the armies of the Brotherhood. His first order of business was to reinforce all the Arkab legion regiments with whatever supplies could be scavenged or recovered. He then began organizing the groups of zealots which were fighting in Omar Bin Mohammed’s name into functioning military units, which became the Martyr’s Guard.

While trying to remain independent of the Clans, Abduallah Sharif did understand that the Brotherhood’s existence was only possible due to the New Star League’s existence, and he quickly “opened the books” of the Brotherhood’s military to Aberdeen Mehta (internal) of Clan Wolf. The next big issue for the Brotherhood’s military would be Wolverine Union infiltrators.


Abdullah Sharif pilots a customized BL-12-KNT Black Knight called “Desert Wind”. A number of its weapons have been replaced with Clan-graded ones.