Islamic State of the Azami Brotherhood

Founding Year3154, recognized 3155
Capital world:Arkab
Controlled system(s):35+
Head of StateSultan
IntelligenceAzami Whispers
Commander-in-chiefMarshall of the Legion
ArmyAzami Legions

The establishing of the Azami Brotherhood as a full-fledged nation was hidden from the Draconis Combine for most of their existence. Allowing taqiyyah to protect them, the Azami had their own government and religious organization which hid in plain sight. But it wasn’t until the 3100s that repression and persecution of the Azami people by the Combine led to an increase in Azami independence movements.

It all came to a head in the 3150s as Omar Bin Mohammed started preaching for Azami independence from Arkab in a religious revival. With support of the New Star League and the Rasalhague Dominion, the Azami people rose up and claimed Buckminster, Al Na’Ir and Algedi Prefectures. With the signing of the armistice between House Davion and Kurita, the Azami Brotherhood state was recognized by both the Federated Suns and New Star League. The Rasalhague Dominion also guaranteed the independence of the Azami territory against Combine rule.

Political and religious leader

The Azami brotherhood leadership is split between the official head of state, Sultan Marshallah Al Gaib, a descendant of Iran’s Shah during the Middle-Ages of Terra, and the Council of Ayatollah. The Sultan will take care of political and international matters, while the Council of Ayatollah takes care of internal affairs and civilian matters. As a balance to the power of those two entities is the Meeting of Naib, which represents the various Azami populations, including the more migratory ones (see Travelers and other migratory people of the Inner Sphere).

Judicial matters are generally handled by the Naib of the tribe where the issue occurred, but in larger population centers, a mullah can also serve as a judge. This does lead to preferential treatment of the Azami population ahead of any other.

Religious freedoms and minorities

The local non-Azami, non-Islamic population fears that the Azami will enact revenge on them for the oppression they suffered in the past 50 or so years. A few Shinto temples have converted into a new form of Shinto which incorporate Azami teachings, both as a mean to safeguard themselves and as new religious awakening takes place. Loyalty to the Draconis Combine is viewed as verboten, and symbols related to House Kurita are destroyed in public burnings led by a Mullah.

Religious freedom is allowed in the Azami territory, but only people of Azami descent or following the Azami creed are allowed in positions of power. Jewish and Christians are “strongly encouraged” to convert to the Azami faith, while members of other religions are not given any priority.

Azami Brotherhood’s State Profile

  • Founding Year: 3154
  • Capital (City, World): Ur-Bagdad, Arkab
  • National Symbol: Crossed bars with stars on a green flag, combined with Shi’a and Sunni symbols.
  • Location (Terra relative): Coreward-Spinward quadrant
  • Total (Inhabited) Systems: 35
  • Government: Religious Autocracy
  • Ruler: Sultan Marshallah Al Gaib
  • Dominant Language(s): Bedouin Arabic, Farsi, Japanese
  • Dominant Religion(s): Azami Islam, Islamized Shinto, Traditional Shinto
  • Unit of Currency: Star League Dollar (no local currency established)

Azami Brotherhood’s Military

Commander in chief: Marshall of the Legion Abdullah Sharif

A surprising number of soldiers rallied behind the Azami flag during the secession from the Draconis Combine. All the remaining Arkab legions fell in line quickly, but some units which were expected to either cause issues or return to the combine also turned. 3 regiments of the Dieron Regulars, all 3 composed of significant number of Azami soldiers, were the first to abandon the Coordinator. The 17th Sun Zhang Academy Cadre, also mainly composed of Azami, followed suite after defecting from the Federated Suns front. Azami soldiers in the Benjamin Regulars regrouped behind the 2nd, 13th, 36th and 39th Benjamin Regulars and defected as well, leaving holes in the Combine defensive apparatus.

Wages for the Azami military is raised from industrial profits from many worlds under Azami control. With a large portion of their budget going to defense, the Azami Brotherhood has limited abilities to provide for social programs, with Azami populations taking precedence over all others.

Arkab Legion

  • 1st Arkab Legion (Full strength)
  • 2nd Arkab Legion (88% strength)
  • Remnants of the 3rd Arkab Legion (50% personnel, minimal equipment)
  • 6th Arkab Legion (Full strength)
  • 7th Arkab Irregulars (76% strength)

Dieron Regulars

  • 8th Dieron Regulars (66% strength)
  • 15th Dieron Regulars (70% strength)
  • 36th Dieron Regulars (55% strength)

Benjamin Regulars

  • 2nd Benjamin Regulars (60% strength)
  • 13th Benjamin Regulars (42% strength)
  • 36th Benjamin Regulars (54% strength)
  • 39th Benjamin Regulars (88% strength)

Assorted units

  • 17th Sun Zhang Academy Cadre (85% strength)
  • 1st Veil of the Faithful (Newly raised irregular regiment)
  • 2nd Veil of the Faithful (Newly raised irregular regiment)
  • Al Na’Ir Irregulars (Newly raised irregular regiment)


Kyushu-class Frigate Prophet’s Will