AffiliationRasalhague Dominion
RankGalaxy Commander
Timon Hall, Galaxy Commander, Ghost Bear Theta Galaxy

Timon Hall

Timon Hall is the commanding officer of the Rasalhague Dominion’s Theta Galaxy. An unassuming man, Galaxy Commander Hall is extremely careful with his resources and equipment. Under his command, Theta Galaxy has been using reinforced clusters with large numbers of armored vehicles and infantry support. Focusing mainly on the defense of the Dominion, Galaxy Commander Hall became a religious man later in his life after meeting with Omar Bin Mohammed (internal).

A meeting with a holy man

Generally concerned with the protection of the Dominion, the various garrison Clusters under Timon Hall became aware of the troop movements on the Draconis Combine border and took action. In a bold (for him, at least) action, Timon Hall brought his command cluster to Arkab. Landing unopposed, the Sixth Bear Regulars met with the 6th Arkab Legion who declared that they had no reason to fight if the Bears had no desire to conquer Arkab.

Timon Hall met with Omar Bin Mohammed the next day and shared a light meal and tea, where the Colonel and holy man expounded the virtues of the Azami Brotherhood to Hall. Deeply moved, Galaxy Commander Hall left the planet after paying for his jumpship and dropship fuel to the local Maersk port. After his return to his home base, he sent news to Khan Dalia Bekker. This began the official negotiations between the Azami Brotherhood in general and Clan Ghost Bear.

Failed Combine Invasion

With 3 Galaxies having been sent to support Clan Wolf around Terra, Theta Galaxy was redeployed more heavily across the Combine border. While not taking part in any offensive operations, Timon Hall managed his troops effectively for the duration of the DCMS assault on the Dominion territory, facing mainly Sword of Light and (reluctant) Arkab Legion forces. During that time, Timon Hall would write a treatise, “The Hall Doctrine”, which described his usage of combined arms forces in defensive positions. The book would be disseminated throughout all the allied Star League Clans within a few years.

After the death of Omar Bin Mohammed, Timon Hall led Theta Galaxy on a protective mission to Arkab, where they dislodged Sword of Light forces which had been left there as “peacekeeping” forces. Theta Galaxy also started training Azami patriots in anti-vehicle and anti-mech warfare at that time, against the desire of the Ghost Bear’s Khan.


While on Arkab, Timon Hall met Maryam Al-Mushaddi, a woman 30 year younger than him. The two fell in love and were married by a local Azami cleric. A civilian cook, Maryam Al-Mushaddi is the opposite of what most people would expect a Ghost Bear warrior to join with. This marriage encouraged him to convert to Azami belief.


Timon Hall pilots a Grizzly.

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