Also known asSurjarani Angelou
AffiliationRepublic of the Sphere
Clan Wolf
Clan Thunder Boar
Star Colonel
Suzie Angelou, Clan Thunder Boar

Surjarani “Suzie” Amandla Angelou was born to a middle-class MechWarrior family in the Republic of the Sphere and trained originally as a quartermasters before transferring to being MechWarrior due to a lack of manpower. Clever enough to know her limitation as she had less training than other pilots, she concentrated on her strong points. Over the years, he obsession with striking supply depots, supply trains and raiding for parts made her an important part of Max Ergen’s (internal) First Army Group as he defended the Republic of the Sphere.

Operation ERUPTIO

During Operation ERUPTIO, Suzie Angelou commanded a fast-raiding unit which specialized in deep strikes, “liberating” large amounts of war materiel from the Draconis Combine. It was not until they were stuck behind enemy lines on Towne that Angelou started feeling conflicted by her actions, as the capture and destruction of medical supplies led to an outbreak of the Hyborian Blood Plague. With the Republic falling apart, Angelou and her unit changed from a disruptive job to defending the world and distributing supplies until it was retaken by the Draconis Combine.

Rallying with the First Army Group

Max Egen sent out a global call for his former commands to rally under him to reform the First Army Group right as the ilClan trial was ending on Terra. While Watch agents and many other believed Ergen was rallying his troops for an attack against the Wolves, he brought the disparate commands together and asked the ilKhan if he could serve the new Star League. Major Suzie Angelou was happy to “keep a job” rather than turning to piracy or becoming a mercenary, and she convinced a good number of her colleagues of the good in Ergen’s plan. When the Frist Army Group was recreated as a “Provisional Galaxy” for the Battle of Yorii, Angelou was given the rank of “Star Colonel” to match her position as a Major.

Battle of Yorii

During the Battle of Yorii, Suzie Angelou used her raiding expertise to counter raids by the support units of Clan Hell’s Horses. She also led a daring raid on a grounded Horses DropShip, which required repairs, where she stole a binary’s worth of advanced omnimechs. For her courage and expertise, Surjarani Amandla Angelou became the head of the Angelou Bloodhouse of Clan Thunder Boar, when they were established.


Suzie Angelou originally piloted an advanced Scorpion Quadmech but captured a Balius Omnimech during the Battle of Yorii.