Clan Thunder Boar logo, revision 1

Clan Thunder Boar Profile

Time period:3153 – Present
Controlled systems:1 (as of 3153)
Capital world:Yorii
Ruler title:Khan
Military:Clan Thunder Boar touman
Secret Service:Clan Thunder Boar watch
Circa 3153
Clan Thunder Boar logo, revision 1


Clan Thunder Boar one of the first Clans to come out of what would later be known as the Second Founding. The remnant of the Republic of the Sphere First Army Group, along with a group of other Republican troops, rallied behind Paladin Max Ergen (internal) after the fall of Terra. As one of the figureheads which had not participated in the war and yet had some political and military power, Max Ergen was going to be a problem to Clan Wolf. SaKhan Chance Vickers (internal) and Loremaster Aberdeen Mehta (internal) tried to get in contact with him to find out his plan as soon as things had calmed down enough on Terra.

With the help of David Zhuo, Max Ergen and the Clan Wolf leadership entered negotiations regarding what the First Army Group could do to assist the new ilClan, which was the opposite of what was expected. Max Ergen wanted peace in the Inner Sphere more than anything else, and at least some form of stability around the “old heart” of humanity. While Alaric Ward refused to hire the First Army Group as a mercenary outfit, the need for military units and support in the wake of the fall of the Wall led to Clan Wolf forming a “provisional Galaxy” out of Max Ergen’s troops.

Battle of Yorii

The First Army Group Provisional Galaxy were the first ones deployed to Yorii in order to setup the upcoming fight with Clan Hell’s Horses. The First Army Group setup various tank traps, hidden supply depots and moved civilian populations to defensible locations and sanctuaries. Those sanctuaries were agreed that neither groups would fight over, and that no depots or equipment would be hidden in them. Local government military forces were left to protect these sanctuaries, with guarantees from Max Ergen in the name of Alaric Ward.

As the Trial of Possession on Yorii began, the Provisional First Army Galaxy was used mainly as special forces and harassment units. Ergen was forced to follow Zellbringen as much as he could, but as Clan Hell’s Horses did not respect them, this point became moot over time. The First Army Group performed his task perfectly in keeping the Hell’s Horses occupied while Alaric Ward could force Gottfried Amirault (internal) into a disadvantageous duel to finish the Trial.


Max Ergen met with Alaric Ward on Terra after the Trial. Ergen’s goal at that point was to be formalized as a member of Clan Wolf and have his Provisional Galaxy become another arm of the Wolf’s touman. Alaric’s reaction to this surprised everyone involved in the meeting: the ilKhan refused, which got SaKhan Vickers thinking they might get another Wolf’s Dragoons situation. But rather than dismissing Ergen, Alaric used his power as ilKhan of the ilClan to basically raised Max Ergen to the position of Khan and create a new clan altogether for him.

Using Ergen’s family crest as an inspiration, Alaric founded Clan Thunder Boar, and tasked Ergen to do the necessary actions to solidify this new Clan following the original Founder’s will, along with his own conscience. Some analysts believe these actions might have come from Alaric learning of the upcoming birth of his twins, making him more friendly to “freeborn”. Clan Thunder Boar was also granted the planet of Yorii as their personal fiefdom, with the local government being quite receptive to the idea.

First order of business

Clan Thunder Boar’s first order of business was to actually “settle down” as a Clan. Technology and tools were provided to the Boars to setup an iron-womb facility, along with older officers to serve as sibko trainers. 40 warriors of the First Army Group were selected to be “first of their Bloodhouses” based on their performance during Operation ERUPTIO and the Battle of Yorii. Yorii’s planetary militia and defense forces were deputized as supplemental members of Clan Thunder Boar, either filling out the positions of paramilitary police or “full warriors”.

While replenishing their new touman was a priority, Clan Thunder Boar, at David Zhuo’s request, also invested in repairing and upgrading the local HPG as a mean to connect more easily with the ilClan and their other allies. The first sibko of 100 children came out in early 3154.


Caste system

The Thunder Boar do not adhere strictly to the Clan caste system, at least not now. The situation around the Clan is still fluid, with numerous “ronins” and mercenaries showing up to join the Clan by participating in Trials of Positions, which are held every month. The scientist caste is not well represented in the Clan yet, with many civilians being offered positions. Obviously, the technician caste does have a good presence as the techs working for the First Army Group were given official positions.

The Merchant Caste is ignored by Clan Thunder Boar outside of having their own quartermasters and supplies officers, with the remainder of the merchant tasks defaulting to local corporations and companies. This fits the needs of the Thunder Boars perfectly.

This also led to the concept of “Labourer Caste” to be mostly ignored by the Thunder Boars, which serve as the political and military heads of state while the merchants and laborers are viewed as purely civilians doing their own thing. This major disparity with the other Clans would later get the Thunder Boars in some conflicts.


The first major difference between the Thunder Boar touman and other Clan touman are the ranks awarded to its warriors. Rather than the term “Star” or “Nova” being used as a prefix, the Thunder Boar keeps in touch with its Republican origin, using the term “Knight” and “Paladin” instead. A Knight Commander, as an example, is the equivalent of a Star Commander, while a Paladin Colonel is the (Very rare) equivalent to a Nova Colonel.

While the First Army Group still used the “Inner Sphere” format for most of their units during the Battle of Yorii, they have been reforming under Clan formations mostly due to supplies and equipment being provided by Clan Wolf, Jade Falcon and especially Clan Sea Fox. The only real difference is that points of Aerospace Fighter assets follow the same format as Battlemech units (5 ASF forming a Star, instead of the standard Clan 10) due to a lack of ASF pilots in Clan Thunder Boar.

Clan Thunder Boar’s investment in weapon’s technology has led to the construction of two “provisional” BattleMech factories on Yorii, which are getting converted into more permanent installations by the end of 3154.

Military Formations

Arthur Galaxy is Max Ergen’s Galaxy, mainly formed from the original members of the First Army Group.

Kay Galaxy is Yorii’s Garrison, formed from former planetary defenders and law-enforcement officers. It is far from well supplied, using mainly Inner Sphere graded machines, many of them even dating from the Succession Wars. It is currently commanded by the SaKhan of the Clan, “The Boss Hoss”.

Yvain Galaxy is a newly formed Galaxy, still gathering troops. It is under the command of Yves Motuzambe, the former First Army Group 2nd Regiment commander. Yvain Galaxy is recruiting heavily from ronins and former mercenaries wanting to join Clan Thunder Boar.


– Khan: Max Ergen (internal)

Max Ergen, circa 3153

– SaKhan: Sorell Book

– Loremaster: David Zhuo




Inter-Clan Relations

Clan Wolf is the “parent Clan” to the Thunder Boar and expects service from them.

Clan Sea Fox sees the Thunder Boars as a new client but also as a good point of contact between the “civilian” population of the Inner Sphere and the Clans as a whole.

Clan Smoke Jaguar is somewhat jealous of the fact the Thunder Boar were granted a world “to settle” before they were, but see this as a rivalry between their old blood and this “new blood”.

Clan Hell’s Horses hates their defeat to the hands of the Thunder Boars on Yorii.

The Homeworld Clans do not recognize Clan Thunder Boar as an actual Clan.

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