AffiliationClan Wolf
General of the Star League Armies
FamillyVlad Ward-Vickers
Melissa Ward-Vickers
Chance Vickers, after the Battle of Terra

saKhan Chance Vickers, even though she was elected almost by acclamation, faced a lot of resentment from the former Wolves-In-Exile. Even amongst the other Wolves, she was elected to the position as “Alaric’s (internal) woman” by some, some fully expecting her to step down after a “marriage of convenience” to calm down the Inner Sphere elements of the new Star League.

Empire in Chaos, Terra in Chaos

Chance Vickers had very few options given to her during the tripartite assault on the Wolf Empire, having to concentrate on rebuilding the broken touman of the Wolves after the ilClan trial. Without Ramiel Bekker to design new ‘mechs for the Wolf forces to quickly rebuild, Chance turned to the few military industrial companies on Terra for new BattleMechs and equipment. With assistance of Maersk and Lloyd’s of New London negotiators, Chance Vickers gets access to Skobel, Leopard Armor and Martinson Armaments to build a new series of IIC battlemechs directly on Terra. General Vickers had to remain on Terra to manage the distribution and logistics portion of getting new machines to many depleted Wolf units. Many new units were also being raised in the defense of the Wolf Empire, along with having to properly equip the new Smoke Jaguar forces.

With assistance from Clan Sea Fox and what they would later learn is the Rimward Alliance and corporate powers, Vickers managed to reinvigorate the weakened forces of the New Star League. They also put General Vickers in contact with Max Ergen (internal), with whom she negotiated the full surrender of the remainder of the Republic of the Sphere forces. While she believed Alaric would not agree with the Republican forces remaining “organized and armed”, Knight Max Ergen agreed to serve under the New Start League.

War in the Reaches

While Clan Wolf had no direct involvement in the War of the Reaches, Chance Vickers sent a few Watch agents with the Sea Fox to observe the situation in the Periphery. Reports of large scale facilities, including warship berths, in Aurigan space, with the Taurian having recovered fully from the Jihad, made the General pause. Her counsel to the ilKhan was mainly to not make the upstart “Rimward Alliance” enemies of the Star League, which Alaric took under consideration.

War for Terra 2: Electric Boogaloo

Chance Vickers was key to the fight between Clan Hell’s Horses and Clan Wolf on Yorii, even though she was not present. Her arrangement of the service of Max Ergen and his Republic Remnants to Alaric allowed the Wolves to have “irregular forces” present in the battle. Vickers also organized the defense of the worlds close to Terra against Capellan assault. The restoration of limited HPG capabilities due to the fall of the Republic Wall allowed Chance to allow for better logistics around the closest worlds with the help of Caph’s CGIL and Clan Sea Fox, purchasing large amounts of germanium from an unknown source. The new “closeness” between the ilKhanate and the megacorporate alliance also gave Vickers limited access to the “black box” network used by them to coordinate her forces.

Vickers was not deployed by Alaric Ward on any operations directly at first, keep her on the home front to manage logistics and deployment. This was also to keep secret the fact that Chance Vickers was pregnant with Alaric’s twins (Vlad and Melissa), to whom she gave birth in early 3154. Soon after giving birth, Alaric unfortunately had to order the new mother to deploy in the hunt for Danai Liao (internal). On the Dire Wolf, Vickers gave chase to the BigMac, finally cornering their commander on Castor. While Anastasia Kerensky (internal) is the one who dealt the killing blow to the High Marshal of the Capellan armies, Vickers claimed the victory. She also negotiated the surrender of the McCarron’s, who wanted out of their “contract” with the Capellan Confederation after the death of Danai Liao.

Home Maker of the Year

After the failed assassination attempt on her children, spoiled by Doctor Duschatel, Chance Vickers was rather shook. Anastasia Kerensky had already told her she would never allow a young mother to come to harm. This is what had led the former Khan to sideline her commanding officer in the hunt for Danai Liao. Returning to Terra, Chance Vickers started making plans for a transition from her role as a military officer into a training role in the sibko where her children were being raised. While the head of the eugenics training program originally denied her, the saKhan overrode their decision while also stepping down from her place as saKhan, to most Wolf warrior surprise. While the sibko in question would not be raised “entirely based on Clan standards”, Chance Vickers did promise that the 20 children in that group would all be “warrior ready” by the time they hit 20 years old.