Anton Paradis, Pinkerton General and Counsel

Anton Paradis, circa 3152.

AffiliationLloyd’s of New London
Title(s)General of Pinkerton’s Security
General Counsel and Advocate
ParentsMorne Paradis
SpouseMylene Paradis
Personal information

Anton Paradis was originally trained as a lawyer, specializing in corporate special investment zones, corporate criminal investigation and white collar crimes. After making partner, the law firm he worked for was purchased by a sub-division of Lloyd’s of New London, where he found a particular affinity to their Pinkerton’s “corporate security forces”. With his quick wit and his eye for number, Anton rose in the ranks of the security forces to land a descent position in the military structure, even without formal military training.

Anton Paradis during the Clarion Note

The Clarion Note led Lloyd’s of New London to have to start performing some of their “older” work with message carrying and monetary transaction between worlds, and the Pinkertons were heavily involved in protecting large sums of money and “material” being brought to various corporate entities, becoming a prime target for raiders and pirates. While Anton was not a “soldier” and especially not a mechwarrior, he knew how to deal with criminal elements, especially those with more “sturdy” backing like raiders from House militaries and mercenary outfits. Military tactic was not natural to him, but he learned “on the job” commanding security forces from a dropship in orbit or landed. For every setback, he had at least one successful operation, which combined with his quite charming, debonnaire demeanor (which hides his keen intellect and work-focused obsession) allowed him to rise in the ranks of the corporation

Anton during the Tamar Hinterlands conflict

Lloyd’s of New London was one of the first corporation to open up to Alaric Ward with an olive-branch, going first through his Merchant Factor before sending a negotiator directly to him from the Corporate Alliance. When Stephanie Chistu , new Khan of Clan Jade Falcon, was sent to Alyina and Sudeten, she was accompanied by Anton Paradis and a division of Pinkerton’s security force who were under order by Lloyd’s and Renault-Peugeot Automotive to recover the facilities on both these worlds as they now “broke away” from their corporate headquarters and respective unions. Rather than oppose the Falcon Khan, Anton Paradis used his generally laid-back attitude to win her over, allowing him to complete his objectives on Alyina by dispatching of the “High Syndic Marena” with extreme prejudice and precision.

Following his actions on Alyina, Stephanie Chistu did report to the ilKhan that Pinkerton’s were far better equipped than anything that was previously reported, including their ownership of an Agamemnon-class heavy cruiser. Her report, however, did indicate that they were “fully compliant with her orders, and quite charming to work with”, most likely thanks to the work of Anton Paradis.