Clan Wolf Logo, Conflict Zone Wolf Empire

Conflict Zone Wolf Empire and Tamar Hinterlands

Conflict Zone Wolf Empire and Tamar Hinterlands is the first “sourcebook” for Battletech Vengeance.

Battle for the Hinterlands

  • In August 3151, Jiyi Chistu and First Syndic Marena agree on a split of the Hinterlands between their two powers, establishing two semi-independent states in the region, with Jiyi Chistu taking leadership.

  • In November 3151, Stephanie Chistu takes a Galaxy of Jade Falcon troops to go and reestablish control of their territories in the Hinterlands. She is met and assisted by Anton Paradis, a Pinkerton’s General, who wants to make an example of Marena as she stole a number of locations, personnel and equipment which belonged to a variety of corporation in her formation of the Alyina Mercantile Union and angered Lloyd’s of New London, along with Renault-Peugeot Automotive.

    • The advisor who proposed Marena create her own “kingdom” and seize all the local factories was actually a Wolverine Union infiltrator playing on her insecurities, pushing her inferiority complex and her fake sense of oppression due to her “skin color”.

  • In December 3151, Khan Stephanie Chistu faces “Khan” Jiyi Chistu, who refuses her orders to relinquish control of Sudeten and its surrounding worlds to the Jade Falcon and the military of the 3rd Star League.

  • One of Jiyi Chistu’s Star Colonel insults Stephanie Chistu by calling her “pet bird of a pedantic Wolf”, which immediately leads to a Trial of Grievance where the Khan decapitates her opponent’s ‘Mech, a Turkina, with a single, clean gauss rifle shot.

  • In January 3152, Stephanie Chistu comes to Alyina and repeats her ultimatum to the “First Syndic”, who openly mocks the Jade Falcon Khan and tells her she has no power over her anymore.

  • In response, Stephanie Chistu starts moving her forces towards the planet, but she is told by Anton Paradis that “he’ll take care of this, in the name of the friendship between the Corporate Syndics and the New Star League”. The Jade Falcon warriors protest, but their Khan realize that they are already at a disadvantage having likely to fight both Jiyi’s “New Falcon” and Marena’s mainly mercenary force.

  • Anton Paradis sends a formal batchall to High Syndic Marena, which again laughs at the Pinkerton’s offer for honorable combat. Paradis replies by bringing his Agamemnon – class Heavy Cruiser, the Allan Pinkerton, in orbit and performing a strategic orbital bombardment on the base where a significant number of mercenary units contracted by the High Syndic were stationed.

  • The Pinkerton’s land a “reinforced regiment” on Alyina and begins tackling the remainder of the Syndic’s forces, with heavy aerospace fighter support and artillery support. “You refused to play nice? Sorry, we’re not playing around anymore”, is what is said by Anton Paradis.

    • The Lone Wolves is given the responsibility to protect CJF Factory Zone 4 (also known as Renault-Peugeot Alyina’s ‘Mech Factory, at least in Pinkerton’s books). The unit is bombarded by ASF assets before a battalion of Pinkerton forces, the Dresden Enforcers, mainly equipped with plasma, inferno and other thermal weapons, came in to destroy them in precision strikes meant to “recover their ‘Mechs after cooking the pilots”. Most of the affiliated units to the Lone Wolves are destroyed and their ‘Mechs “recovered” by the Pinkerton, except for a Kit Fox painted with a fox logo, who was hit by a death from above by the Enforcers commanding officer custom Thor.

  • High Syndic Marena attempts to negotiate her surrender but is brought in front of Stephanie Chistu, who executes her with a single shot to the head (again) with a laser pistol. Anton Paradis gives back all local facilities to the Khan of the Jade Falcon, reminding her that Lloyd’s of New London is happy to insure their civilian facilities once again, as long as they remain solvent.

  • The Jade Falcon Khan rearms part of her forces from the facilities on Alyina and raises an Cluster of warriors from solahma and dezgra units which were serving Marena. A small number of mercenaries also decide to join Clan Jade Falcon, and with how stretched her ressources are, Stephanie Chistu agrees, as long as they “follow the rules of the Clans”.

  • In April 3152, Stephanie Chistu comes back to Sudeten and formally challenges Jiyi Chistu to a Trial of Refusal, making a clear statement that she is the real Khan of the Falcons. Chistu is forced to accept, as this is a massive challenge to his leadership.

  • Jiyi expected Stephanie to land with a Galaxy of troops, comparable to his own unit, but he is met with a Galaxy, a Cluster and 2 “mercenary” trinaries, making his batchall of “all forces at your disposal” a really bad deal.

  • Jiyi plays hard to get and hides his troops in forest and mountain passes in an attempt to counter his lack of forces with strategy, not realizing that most of Stephanie’s troops were veterans of the Battle of Terra, where they played that game quite a bit already. Stephanie’s command ship in orbit also gives her a huge edge as she has full control of the planet communication and satellite networks.

  • In May 3152, Jiyi Chistu surrenders, unable to maintain a guerilla war against a superior enemy which was its superior in every way. Expecting fully to be executed, Jiyi Chistu is surprised when Stephanie Chistu simply demotes him to Star Captain and assigns him to her own unit.

    • The Falcon Khan realized that killing Jiyi would only anger the Falcons that remained in the Hinterlands and were abandoned by Malvina Hazen. She also realizes that leaving him in command of a local garrison would be dangerous, as he could get “uppity” again, preferring to keep him close.

  • By July 3152, Stephanie Chistu gathers 2 Galaxy worth of troops to go support the Wolf Empire in their fight against the Wolf’s Dragoons, Free Worlds League and Lyran Commonwealth.

  • SIDENOTE: Arc-Royal‘s control is relinquished to the Kell Hounds after a quick negotiation with the Jade Falcon new Merchant Factor, after Callandre Kell kicks out the remaining Falcon forces off the planet. The Kell Hounds are refusing to join back with the Lyran Commonwealth, however, and with the later destruction of another major mercenary outfit, the Hounds are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The Empire Stands Strong

Clan Wolf Logo, Conflict Zone Wolf Empire
  • In September 3151, the Wolf Empire is hit for the first time by the remnants of the Wolf’s Dragoons, who raid and steal a large amount of supplies.

  • The highest ranking officer remaining in the Wolf Empire is Othar Wolf, who takes command of the defense of the Empire using what little resources they had left, roughly a Galaxy and a half of solahma and injured soldiers who missed the Battle of Terra.

  • In November 3151, Othar receives word that the Lyran Commonwealth began an operation against their territory, with the Free Worlds League also pushing in from the rim-ward direction. In an attempt to bolster his forces, Othar breaks zelbringen and looks for mercenary units he could hire for support.

  • In December 3151, the entirity of Clan Nova Cat (renaming themselves from the Spirit Cats) touman comes to support Othar’s forces, pushing back an assault by the 2nd Loyalty Defenders on New Olympia.

  • In late January 3152, the Odessa Regulars hit Fianna where they meet with one of Othar’s hired mercenary unit, the Past Knights. The Lyran forces believe this would be an easy fight, but the Knights are equipped largely with Clan second-line units provided by Clan Sea Fox, who has been providing “loaners” to most allied units in the Empire.

  • In early February 3152, Wolf’s Dragoons pressure on Othar’s forces force him to defend Gienah during a massive raid, leaving him injured again, but not without killing the commanding officer of the new Epsilon Regiment.

  • The situation for the Empire is dire in March 3152, but reports of attacks by the Marians against the Free Worlds forces allows Othar to spread misinformation within the Marik forces, which actually leave a number of worlds they were occupying believing the Hegemony strikes were far worse than expected.

  • The SaKhan of Clan Sea Fox, Petr Kalasa, deploys a number of Sea Fox galaxies to further reinforce the Wolf Empire by mid-April 3152, mainly taking pressure off Othar’s main forces who were still embroiled in a fight against the Wolf’s Dragoons.

  • In mid-June, Henry Kincaid leads an attack to conquer Solaris 7, both as a symbolic gesture and to take control of the local factories and mech facilities. The Wolf’s Dragoons are met with a unit of Corporate Security from Del Monte and United Fruits / Chiquita, which he disregards as “simply guarding their facility”. The Zeta Battalion of the Wolf’s Dragoons suffer a 80% loss of materiel as the “fruity boys” don’t take kindly to being disregarded as someone is trying to steal “the fruit of their efforts”.

  • By August 3152, two Galaxies of Clan Jade Falcon troops come to reinforce the Wolf Empire, further cementing the protection of the Lyran border.

  • By November 3152, the Wolf’s Dragoons are the only force still in full war with the Wolf Empire, as Alaric Ward sends his Loremaster, Aberdeen Mehta, to Gienah to both get news and give his troops some renewed motivation.

    • Othar Wolf becomes Othar Shaw after a quick Trial of Bloodright, and is promoted to Galaxy Commander, along with getting the title of Protector of the Realm.

  • In a daring move, Othar Shaw challenges Henry Kincaid to a trial of possession for his mercenary command. The Wolf’s Dragoons originally refuse, but when the combined forces of Clan Nova Cat, Jade Falcon, Protector of the Realm Wolves and Sea Fox converge on their base of operation, Kincaid explains his hatred for Alaric Ward and what was done to the Dragoons on Terra.

  • Othar Shaw gives the remaining Dragoons 2 options: join the Wolf Empire as solahma and work their dishonor off, or die on Illion. A small number of Dragoons accept the offer, the others standing their ground. They die as Othar and Stephanie Chistu order a full orbital bombardment of any installations on the planet, not even being given the right to defend themselves.

War of Marian Aggression

  • Also know as the War of Marian Retribution by the Marian Hegemony.

  • An unknown operative, who expressed that they were working under order of Fontaine Marik, is captured after the assassination of Adrijana O’Reilly, wife of Caesar Ignatius O’Reilly.

    • The operative was actually a Wolverine Union infiltrator, trained by the Word of Blake.

  • In March 3152, 4 Legions of Marian troops cross the border with the Free Worlds League and assault various worlds in lightning raid to acquire more ammunition and equipment for further assault.

    • Hamric Industries operations are hit by the Marian Hegemony but bloody the nose of the Legate in charge of the 3rd Legion, seriously damaging their forces and capturing 2 of their dropships.

  • By May 3152, as news trickles down to Marik headquarters, Fontaine Marik and Nikol Marik agree to move their troops from the Wolf Empire front towards the Marian legions. Already on war footing, the orders quickly reach those involved.

  • Pressure severely drops on the Wolf Empire front while the Free Worlds Forces begin a full-on assault against Marian troops that are now entrenched on a few worlds they took over.

  • In July 3152, Ignatius O’Reilly sends a “strongly worded letter” to Fontaine Marik, along with the Free Worlds Press, accusing him of the murder of his wife in an attempt to legitimize his invasion of Marik worlds. Nikol Marik replies in the Free Worlds Press and in a letter to the Marian Caller (largest news agency in the Hegemony) denying everything, while trying to have the “Marian people rise up against their unjust dictator”.

  • By late-August 3152, Marik forces have the upper hand on most worlds due to their much more advanced equipment compared to the Marians, but Marian fanaticism and military doctrine bogs down the fighting.

  • In mid-September 3152, units for the 3rd Legion land on Bowang and establish a beach-head and fortification and call out Fontaine Marik directly. Fontain replied by taking command of the reformed Marik Militia, against the counsel of Nikol Marik.

  • Battle of Bowang: From late September to late-November, Fontaine Marik and Prefect Mohamed Kilgore fight a battle to the death on Bowang, causing massive damage to the local infrastructure and population. At the end of the battle, Fontaine Marik kills Kilgore in a duel, destroying Kilgore’s Marauder II.

  • Fontaine Marik takes command of more Marik loyalist forces and moves against Marian objectives, but his commands are countermanded by Nikol Marik in early 3153, stopping the Marik attack on the Marian worlds.