Logo Battletech Into The Future

Setting and Writing base rules:

  • This is All Ages Military Fiction.
    • For character relationships and such, if you can see it in a Shonen/Shoujo manga, it’s good. Yeah, things can be risque, but should never cross the line into full-on ADULT CONTENT.
    • The target audience, even though a lot of Battletech folks out there are older, should remain in the late teens – early twenties. You can skew a little younger easily, mind you.
    • War-crimes are us are a thing in Battletech, sure, but we’re not glorifying or promoting the damn things. The bad guys do war-crimes. The good guys are there to STOP the war-crimes.
    • Morally gray characters are meant to exist, but when they do, if they do awful stuff, they get their comeuppance or their just desserts later on.
    • Mustache-twirling villains are fun at times, but shouldn’t be the center of major factions.
    • We focus on the military story and what goes on around it.

  • Directing lines of the meta plot will be setup in advance, with clear direction where the plot is going. We will have a starting point, and an ending point. Between those points, we will have major events.
    • The job of the writers and creators is to congeal this into a coherent plot line.
    • Character deaths should be meaningful. Once the dramatis personae is out, we will start having a clear idea of who is who, and give the old King-Pawn rating to characters.
    • Major events will get “sourcebooks” associated with them, which we can work together to write and design.
    • There will be 4 Technical Readouts for the whole thing:
      • Technical Readout: ilClan – Forces of the Inner Sphere Clans.
      • Technical Readout: Successor States – Forces of the Inner Sphere states and Periphery.
      • Technical Readout: Corporate – Forces of the United Corporate Alliance.
      • Technical Readout: New Blake – Forces of the Blakist Factions / Dead Clans.

  • Everyone is the Big Hero.
    • None of the faction will be the punching bag here.
    • Everyone will have their ups and downs, but everyone will get their time to shine and nobody is getting killed off.
    • The EXISTING factions will stick around, solidify their position and end up as the New Status Quo.

  • Leave your bigotry at the door!
    • Stop hating on the Clans for being the Clans.
    • Stop hating the Periphery for being the Periphery.
    • Stop hating Mercs for being Mercs.
    • You can hate Capellans, that’s okay.
    • All kidding aside, we are not playing favorites
    • Let’s not get the project thrown out or discredited because we have people who think being too edgy is fun.