In Davion Triumphant, the concept here is that House Davion won the 4th Succession War completely. The Capellan Confederation is basically destroyed, House Kurita has to hurry and allow for Rasalhague independence before they get overrun and the Duchy of Andurien breaks away “cleanly” from the Free Worlds League. Hanse Davion reestablishes the Star League, but rather than naming himself First Lord, he get Theodore Kurita named First Lord 2 years before the Clan Invasion. Anastasius Focht becomes the new Commander-In-Chief of the new Star League Defense Force, right as the Invasion begins.

While the historical breakpoint is the 4th Succession War, the crux of the story here is during the Clan Invasion era, as Davion’s control over the Inner Sphere is challenged by a foreign power. Davion Triumphant is fun for people who want a stronger Inner Sphere during the Clan Invasion, but also want to look at different outlooks on how things could have turned out.

  • History and timeline
  • Factions
    • Federated Commonwealth
      • Federated Suns
      • Lyran Commonwealth
      • Free Capellan Compact
    • Free Worlds League
    • Draconis Combine
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Outworlds Alliance
    • Marian Hegemony
    • The Clans
      • The Invader Clans
        • Clan Ghost Bear
        • Clan Smoke Jaguar
        • Clan Wolf
        • Clan Hell’s Horse
        • Clan Jade Falcon
        • Clan Coyote
        • Clan Snow Raven
      • The Allied Clans
        • Clan Nova Cat
        • Clan Diamond Shark
  • Dramatis Personae