Donald “Road Pig” Tsagaanbaatar
Road Pig, “Muscle Head”
Clan Cloud Cobra, Dreadnoks, Cobra
Warrior Caste member, Dreadnoks
Baroness’s Biographical information
Marital status
Date of birth
14 March 3037
Place of birth
Homer, Clan Homeworld
Physical description
Elemental Phenotype
Eye color
Road Pig’s Background
Road Pig’s career path was fairly straight forward: start in a sibko as one of the meanest and most menacing Elemental of the bunch, keep hurting everyone that got in the way, get a job as a warrior in the upcoming invasion of the Inner Sphere. Things got weird when Road Pig was required to actually join the Mechwarrior training program due to a lack of pilot in his sibko, and then didn’t understand that Mechwarrior Phenotypes were a tad bit squishier than Elementals. Even the hardest of training instructor couldn’t old Donald’s violent impulses, and he would have flunked out due to it if not for Doctor Mindbender. Putting Donald Cloud Cobra as Serpentor’s bodyguard, it ensured the investment on the Super Tyrant Program would be well protected.
When time came to enter the Inner Sphere, Serpentor sent his bodyguard to “infiltrate” the Dreadnoks to give him some leverage over Cobra Commander‘s favorite mercenary / pirate outfit. Donald is not smart enough to realize what he is supposed to do, but he sure loves bringing pain with his customized Berserker.
- Road Pig has a Gunnery of 4 and a Piloting of 2, and pilots a custom Berserker, “Road Hog”.
- Road Pig is also quite capable in an Elemental Battle Armor, with a skill level of 2.