Del Monte Galactics logo, circa 3152
0 3 mins 9 mths

Del Monte Security Lance, circa 3048

Del Monte Security, a division of Del Monte Galactics, security lance in 3048 on New Samarkand. While those are “parade and corporate color”, they are known to strike fear in the heart of the most valiant pirate attacking the New Samarkand facilites, as “Del Monte Security, state your business” has become a form of war cry for the corporate forces. All mechs on display here are produced by Del Monte under license directly, this is a good representation of what facing a “small” Del Monte force would look like, but on New Samarkand, Del Monte maintains a full regiment of Battlemechs. Even House Kurita knows better than try to bully Del Monte at this point in time.

This unit is composed of an Archer (possibly a ARC-2DM), a Blackjack (likely a BJ1-DM) and a pair of Urbanmechs (a UM-60L and a UM-60DM). This type of unit would be a common sight on any world with Del Monte Security forces, usually supported by 2 lances of light and medium armor and a company of corporate security infantry with troop carriers.

The models were primed using Army Painter Matte White primer. The base coat was Citadel Contrast Blood Angel red, which I drybrushed with Citadel Dry red. The yellow highlights are Citadel Layer Phalanx Yellow. I wanted to do the green with Vallejo Fluo green, but it was too runny for me, so I switched to Army Painter Greenskin (which I got for Christmas in a base kit). I didn’t want to go back downstairs to get my Citadel gunmetal, so I used the Army Painter one from the same kit instead, same overall result. I did use Vallejo Fluo orange for the guns and a bit of extra color on the cockpits.

Check out the Corporate Event!