Corporate Warfare Event logo
0 3 mins 8 mths

Corporate Warfare is a thing nowadays, and remember that the Battletech is a universe filled with megacorporations. We don’t talk about them often outside of mech reviews, mind you, but corporations like Luthien Armor Works, Ceres Metal Industries, Defiance Industries, Earthwerks Incorporated and Achernar Battlemechs are critical morsels of the Battletech universe. There are other corporations mind you, and those corporations well… they don’t always play nice.

This event is meant for anyone to participate, and you can propose just about anything for it. I plan on doing a Del Monte vs Chiquita lance or star. @stefanamaris is painting the various “pop icons” right now. You can do a Taylor Swift ‘mech vs a Beyonce ‘mech, as both are about as corporate as they go. Write up some fanfiction about corporations in Battletech doing what they do best. You take the meaning of “Corporate Warfare” and you go wild with it! Contact us on the mailbox, TwiX or YouTube, or join our Open Discord if you’re not a channel member!

Corporate Warfare Inspirations

Mechwarrior 5 has at least one big corporate warfare mission series, with Quickscell getting into it with Earthwerks to steal a corporate contract from them. Through a few missions, you hit various locations and cause quite a ruckus before realizing (and one of your contact realizing) you’re just doing corporate terrorism.

Every mercenary outfit is technically a corporation, same with the Solaris stables, but here we are really talking about the businesses behind them. Some companies are very much integrated into the politics of the Inner Sphere. Others play it fast and loose and hope they can grab a profit before going out of business.

We are told of corporations like Timbiqui Spirits making beer for all of the Inner Sphere, but what of their competition? Do they play fair? Get some inspiration and go wild!