Ghost Pecker GP placeholder
0 3 mins 9 mths

Ghost Pecker GP

Mass: 30 tons

Tech Base: Clan

Motive Type: VTOL

Tech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-E-D-D

Dry Cost: 2,024,000 C-Bills

Total Cost: 2,198,000 C-Bills

Battle Value: 1,121

Power Plant: DAV 100 Fusion Engine

Cruise Speed: 86.4 km/h

Flanking Speed: 129.6 km/h

Armor: StarShield Ferro-Fibrous


1 Crossbow LRM-15 w/ Artemis IV FCS

1 Harpoon Streak SRM-6

2 Series 1 Small Pulse Lasers

Manufacturer: Albuson Industries

Primary Factory: Refit

Communications System: Albuson Speaker

Targeting and Tracking System: Albuson Tracer


The Negator gunship was a torn in the side of Clan Ghost Bear and the Rasalhague Dominion for quite some time, especially as rebels, dissidents and whoever could afford them could make them in a garage with the necessary parts. Massive amounts of them were also recovered by the Bear Touman, who had no intention of really using them at first. It was the constant threat of the Draconis Combine which drove the Phi Galaxy Commander to order the refit of many of the Negators to Clan-standards, resulting in the Ghost Pecker GP, which was regarded as “lackluster” but still useful enough to be included in many militia units.


The Ghost Pecker shares the speed and armor profile of its primitive ancestor, but uses ferro-fibrous to improve the protection marginally. A similar weapon loadout is setup on the missile boat, using a clan-grade LRM 15 with Artemis IV along with a Streak SRM6 as primary weapons. Against infantry, a pair Small Pulse Laser is used instead of the Browning .50.


Equipment Type Rating Mass


Internal Structure: Standard 15 points 3.00

Engine: Fusion Engine 100 4.50

Cruise MP: 8

Flank MP: 12

Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 10 0.00

Control Equipment: 1.50

Lift Equipment: 3.00

Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV – 105 5.50



Front 32

Left/Right 25/25

Rear 21

Rotor 2


Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass


LRM-15 FR 5 1 3.50

Artemis IV FCS FR – 0 1.00

Streak SRM-6 FR 4 1 3.00

2 Small Pulse Lasers FR 4 2 2.00

@Streak SRM-6 (15) BD – 0 1.00

@LRM-15 (Artemis) (16) BD – 0 2.00

BattleForce Statistics

MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 11

8v 4 4 2 0 1 0 Structure: 2

Special Abilities: CASE, IF 1

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