Nord First Blood Warband, Para Bellum, Conquest, First Blood
0 4 mins 9 mths

Nord First Blood Warband, for Conquest and Conquest First Blood

Nord First Blood Warband, available here, on the Para Bellum website!

I have been getting a decent number of Conquest First Blood products in the last few weeks, just to try a new skirmish game to scratch that fantasy itch. Conquest was recommended to me by a few people, and @the-sixth-world had a discount code for 10% off which I might have used a few times already. Free delivery to Canada and US with purchases over 100$, just had to pay taxes and minor custom fees, much better than another company shipping

Box content

You get a nice combination of models in this box, with only the bagpipe playing Skald being resin. It’s a really simple resin model, likely could have just been 3D printed as is rather than requiring assembly. You get your command cards, I would like it if we had paper copies of the unit stats, but everything is done on an app for this game. You also get a rulebook with each of the warbands, so now I might have 5 rulebooks…

The hero model is okay to assemble, but I have problems with how small those women are compared to the big burly Nord men. Not that I don’t like svelt and beautiful women, but this model I had to spend some time figuring out how to assemble because everything is small… on a model that is normally larger than a normal “games-workshop” fantasy model. Details are fantastic however. Very good quality.

The monster wolf model is pretty nice and assembles “fairly” well, you might need to spend a bit of time cleaning it up to make sure everything fits together nicely. Always like big monster models, and in 32mm, those actually look MASSIVE.

The Valkyries are a pain to assemble. The arms should have been connected to those shield rather than 2 separate pieces, I lost one of the tiny tiny arm and couldn’t find it anymore. Ball joints on the shoulders are also quite fragile. Not a kit I would rush to get more of, basically.

The big burly raider men are great. Not only do they look the part, they are fun to assemble. Unlike the W’Ardrun which I did before, those only come in 1 set, so you can’t combine the 2 possible set of units in the main box. Oh well.

Huscarls are really nice and fun to assemble, with great details. Shields are not “historically” accurate, but this is a fantasy setting with magic Indian sorceror-kings, undead Romans and cool Greek warriors with minotaur buddies.

Nord First Blood Warband: worth it or not?

Honestly, if you want to get into Conquest or you’re just looking for a new Fantasy game, this is really a good pick up. You really don’t need much else to play, and you can’t beat the price on those warband boxes. Get 2 and an extra you get free shipping, more or less, and there are decent discount codes for Para Bellum floating around. With 2 boxes, you can play with a friend and significant other, as well!

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