Police Event 2024, Professor HeyTeeEn, Group
0 3 mins 10 mths

Police Scenario Drug Bust is a simple scenario for Battletech or Alpha Strike.

A criminal organization has been producing and distributing large amounts of illegal narcotics on a planet and have been a pain in the neck for local law enforcement. Unfortunately for them, their hideout has been compromised and they need to move the drugs and their equipment to a new location, just as the local law enforcement unit is walking in to forcefully put an end to the whole situation.

Game setup

Use 3 standard map sheets, of any kind. If playing without map sheets, make sure there is an equivalent distance between the middle of the play area and the table edges.


The local police forces are raiding the drug den. No limitation on what can be brought or fielded, but no artillery can be used. Common faction battlemechs should be promoted instead of more specialized machines.

Example unit:


The local police force comes in from the map edge in walking deployment.


The local criminal organization trying to get drugs out of their warehouse. Player should be encouraged to use basic technology units and vehicles. The Defender can field up to 150% of the BV of the attacker.


Setup a warehouse measuring 3 hexes at the center of the battlefield. Within 3 hexes, at the player decision, put in 2 Large Laser turrets (structure 30).

All other units have to be place within 5 hexes of the warehouse, in a circular formation.

The 3 drug-carrying armored trucks (see record sheet) are next to the warehouse. One is already loaded and ready to move, the other 2 are getting loaded. After turn 2, the second truck can start moving. After turn 4, the third truck can start moving.

Police Scenario Drug Bust: Objectives

  • The Attacker wins a Complete Victory if all drug trucks are destroyed.
  • The Attacker wins a Partial Victory if they destroy 2 of the drug trucks.
  • The Defender wins a Complete Victory if all drug trucks escape.
  • The Defender wins a Partial Victory if 2 of the drug trucks escape.


  • Night raid: Change condition to Night. Defender cannot attack the Attacker before they attack them OR if they are detected using Active Probes.
  • Rival gang: Add a third player to the mission, with 50% of the Attacker BV in units. This player objective is to capture (have a unit with 1 hex of) an armored truck and make it leave the table. This player deploys on the opposite edge of the map as the Attacker.
  • Hidden partisans: Up to 33% of the Defender units can be hidden anywhere on the map using “hidden deployment” rules.