Police Event 2024, Professor HeyTeeEn, Group
0 2 mins 9 mths
Police Event 2024, Professor HeyTeeEn, Group
Police Event 2024, Professor HeyTeeEn, Group

Police Company, process of painting

My first submission for the Police Event is a Police Company from the Aurigan Trade Alliance capital of Coromodir. They are remarkably well-equipped after Flanagan’s Repair and Refits bought a number of spare machines from the remnants of ComGuard (and potentially the Word of Blake, but who is asking?), and provided them to the Capital Police Force, a division of the Cormorant Royal Guard. Under the command of Police Captain Iokepa Pilis, they are always ready to deploy in the case of pirate attacks, terrorist threats or major riots.

Primer was Army painter matte white (this dastardly fellow)
I then put on a coat of Citadel Contrast Apothecary White, which I did not really like, but a member on a discord I talk on told me it was fine.
With his recommendation, I drybrushed the entire model with Citadel Dry white paint, which is really great.
Black panneling was done with Citadel Corax Black, 2 layers.
Blue and Red panels were done using Citadel layer paints, which usually do the trick for me.
I did slap some Citadel Nuln Oil wash on the model, but I now realize I might now have needed to do that.

Check out more in our Police event!