TinStar Battletech armor for Battletech Police Event
0 3 mins 9 mths

The first challenge! Battletech Police Event!

In this event, we want to celebrate and discuss the police forces in the Battletech universe! Whether you are one of these people who believe in the “thin blue line”, a person who lives by the rules and see the police as a necessary instrument or even someone who thoroughly dislike law enforcement, it is impossible to not understand the importance of the police force in fiction.

For the more prose sided people out there, you can submit fanfiction or stories you think are appropriate for the event. If you like creating Battletech missions and scenarios, you can submit these as well! Fan creations for the fandom to grow and learn to appreciate different elements of the Battletech universe.

Our goal with the Battletech Police Event is to have a selection of new minis to showcase by the start of the month of June. There is no talent level required. There is no paint shaming that will be accepted or allowed. You do what YOU can do to participate, and we will showcase your talent on the Battletech Fandom website!

For you painters!

There aren’t many Battlemechs out there painted in a police scheme. You can check out the Thermo Police scheme on Camo Specs Online for inspiration, of course, but what do YOU want Battlemechs used by police forces to look like?

Do you want them to look like old Sheriffs in the old west, brown, bronze and gold and dusty?

Do you like the clean look of modern police cars, with black and white with the cherries on top?

Would you want to go with the crazy colors of the Lonestar corporate goons from Shadowrun?

For STL makers

Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol 28 introduced the TinStar Battle armor for the Fron Reaches Colonial Marshals.

Clearly inspired by the old west “cowboy” archetype, this mixed-tech battlearmor is a capable fighter meant to serve the Marshals in their fight against the criminal elements of the Rimward Periphery.

Your challenge, if you accept it, is to design an STL for this iconic new battlearmor, which is currently not available from any official resellers!